Project Hunar: Sustainable Livelihood
Project Hunar is a residential program that aims to enhance the rehabilitation of recovering drug users by equipping them with the marketable professional skills that enable them to transition into mainstream society. Initiated in 2009 in close partnership with Bangalore-based NGO AMCA CEEIC, Project Hunar began primarily as an effort to teach data entry skills to our predominantly illiterate clients using a model of visual recognition. Clients who completed the training program can go on to become peer trainers, working at Sankalp to teach and encourage incoming trainees. Meanwhile, clients live in a supportive, communal environment where they have access to medical and psychological care including daily group therapy sessions, nutritious food, peer support, and recreation.
Since its inception, Hunar has expanded to include training opportunities beyond data entry, both through an expanding network of NGO partners as well as relationships with individual businesses. These range from gardening and composting to tailoring and hospitality.
If you work for an NGO that provides skills training or are interested in providing training to our clients, please contact us at